The Jedi: Guardians of the Republic:

Here, you can explore your favourite Jedi from the Star Wars Universe.
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Obi Wan Kenobi:

Obi-Wan Kenobi was born on an unknown planet in 57 BBY. Like most Jedi, he was taken from his family at a very young age and brought to the Jedi Temple for training. For a while, however, it seemed that his chances of becoming a Jedi were slim; at the age of 13, he was sent to the Agricultural Corps, the destination for Force-sensitives who weren't chosen as Padawans.                                                                                       

On his way to the Agri Corps, however, Obi-Wan found a mentor in Qui-Gon Jinn. Because Qui-Gon's former apprentice, Xanatos, had turned to the dark side, the Jedi Master was at first hesitant to take Obi-Wan as a Padawan; but he soon realized Obi-Wan's Force potential and helped him develop into a powerful Jedi.

Anakin Skywalker:

Anakin Skywalker had no father. This apparent virgin birth is a common element in many hero myths, and helped convince many Jedi that Anakin was the Chosen One of ancient prophecy. Anakin's true origins, however, may have been more sinister. Unfortunately, Anakin started to edge towards the Dark Side and in Episode 3 we see the dark side more prominently around him.

Mace Windu:

Jedi Master Mace Windu is perhaps best known for being played by legendary badass Samuel L. Jackson. The actual character, however, is no less badass. Aside from serving as a leading member of the Jedi Council, Mace Windu pioneered and mastered a dangerous form of lightsaber combat, becoming one of the most powerful fighters in Jedi history.

Windu was born in 72 BBY on the planet Haruun Kal. His race, the Korunnai, was a tribe of Force-sensitive humans being studied by the Jedi. After Windu lost his parents at a young age, he was adopted and trained by the Jedi Order.

Grand Master Yoda:

Yoda was first introduced in The Empire Strikes Back, as an eccentric hermit, a great teacher with extensive knowledge of the Force. The Prequel Trilogy established him as one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in history and a leader of the Jedi Order. Though he appears small, frail, and old, Yoda is a master of the Force and of Lightsaber Combat, having had over 900 years to hone his skills.

A member of an unknown species, Yoda was born on an unknown planet in 896 BBY. He and a Force-sensitive friend were discovered and trained by the Jedi Master N'Kata Del Gormo. By the age of 100, Yoda achieved the rank of Jedi Master.

Qui Gon Jinn:

Qui-Gon Jinn was well-known in the Jedi Order as a maverick and even a Grey Jedi for his conflict with the Jedi Council. He was nevertheless a wise and talented Jedi who had plenty to teach to other members of the Order -- even Grand Master Yoda.

Born in 92 BBY, Qui-Gon was brought to the Jedi Temple as an infant, like most Jedi, to be trained in the Force. When he was ten, he became Count Dooku’s Padawan and trained to be a Jedi Knight.

Luke Skywalker:

The hero of the Rebellion in the Star Wars Original Trilogy, Luke Skywalker marked the beginning of a new order of Jedi, one very different from the Jedi Order in the Prequels. The son of Anakin Skywalker (who became Darth Vader), Luke had all of his father's Force potential, but managed (for the most part) to avoid the pull of the dark side. His strength helped Darth Vader return to the light side of the Force and defeat the Emperor.

 To see the Jedi Ranking Order, Click here

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