The Jedi Ranks:

Below are the individual Ranks of the Jedi. Each Rank symbolises their status and their duties in the Order.

A Youngling is a Jedi that has been discovered by another Jedi Knight or Master and is undergoing the start of their training. They also have some basic training with a lightsaber from Grand Master Yoda. Younglings then move on to Padawan which they learn more about control of emotions and how to use the force for good. Younglings often study at the Jedi Temple (pictured above.)

A Padawan is the apprentice of a Jedi Knight or, usually, a Jedi Master. They will learn about force control and will go on missions (usually diplomatic) with their "master." They also get given their own lightsaber at this stage and wear a padawan braid or special jewellery if they are from other species. After their master feels they have taught them all they can, they will ask the council for their padawan to undergo the Trials to become a Jedi Knight.
Jedi Knight:

A Jedi Knight's mission is to guard the order and allow it to florish and to protect the republic and the weak. Their primary goal/task is to keep the peace between planets and species. Also, a Jedi Knight is expected to step up as General if war brakes out (as it did in the Clone Wars.) 

Jedi Master:

A Jedi Master is usually expected to pick an apprentice and pass on their knowledge to their apprentice, to create the next generation of Jedi. Jedi Master's are often chosen to be on the Jedi High Council.

Jedi Grand Master:

A Grand Master or "Master of the Order" is the guradian of the Jedi Order and their missions to ensure the order survives, to protect the galaxy from the Sith. The title of Grand Master has only been bestowed a few times. The last known (and most recent) Grand Master is Yoda. As Grand Master, it was Yoda's job to protect the Order unfortunately, as the Sith Lord, Sidious executed order 66 (the great Jedi purge),the order was mostly destroyed. However, hope remained with young Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader (Anakin's) son.

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